I am simply stumped many a time the way my kids react so funnily, or when their superfluous oratory skills are on display, expressing their wisdom which makes us parents even more embarrassing. Why? Firstly this gives an easy impression to the outsider to make a snide comment of inherited culture. Secondly the more doleful factor is that you are helpless for your child who is in his/her most guileless stage.
I am coming to the outrageous influence media has got on children these days. Technology‘s tentacles spreading in every atom, is definitely a boon when it comes to convenience and prosperous luxuries one deals with. But at the same time has its prying talons too.
These strong technical-flaws-impacts came to the notice of my small brain only when motherhood came to me...as, I as a child lived in an era of the simple (yet it continues to remain unadulterated)Doordarshan, where programmes were limited and had a house-wife kind of existence .
DOORDARSHAN-HOUSEWIFE??? See what used to happen is doordarshan gets up between 5.30 to 6(same does a housewife), after ablutions when those VIBGYORS appear, then comes that psychiatric technique, those concentric rings moving slowly & soft soothing music (again a house wife is lost the first few minutes as where to start from …my case) then finally something constructive comes in. Some carefully selected documentaries one or two serials and then that long news hours (some cooking, laundry wash, material purchase &supply logistics & a little catching up with the neighbour ...itchy-bitchy-H.W stuff) and then a deep slumber, again those vibgyor. So it goes, and my justification of calling doordarshan a smart woman.
My mother allowed us to watch, Vikram-Bethal –a serial with a series of moral stories, Malgudi days (my favourite) which portrayed the great R.K Narayan’s lucid stories and a movie a week aired on all Sundays. And later in our teens we managed to convince her for Rangoli which was the only gateway for Bollywood’s latest songs and fashion. In those times (am I sounding archaic?) movies and songs used to picturise romance in a very subtle manner..You know what I mean...two birds or two roses or the bushes did the needful. The heroines used to give that electrified, galvanized, magnetic movements to those gesture of a touch from the hero..How sweet as I believed, it happened. The tailors too did a magnificent job as I still wonder how they managed to sew them so tight..body hugging outfits (thanks they are fully clad).
Today my kids are spoiled by the n-channels sprung before them ,and parents are forced to child-lock a lot of adult-material channels. Still the ones commonly watched too is not safe as we live in an age where modernity is moderated obscenity.
The point to be insinuated is that its far different nowadays….where my daughter at the age of two and a half is humming shiela ki jawani (shiela’s sensuous moves ...uff) and then comes jalebi bai cladding next to nothing. A son too watching, giving me coy-looks is giving me shudders. U flinch at most of the ads as it showcases incongruous material for kids. And the funny ones really put you in trouble like “DAAG ACCHE HEIN” now when my son comes back all smeared after jumping in that muddy puddle I am supposed to welcome with a smile as the mommy in ad does. And the super bikes ad comes with a sassy chic sensuously biting (full pouty lips zoomed in) and toying with the macho rider in full traffic.
A similarly horrified and concerned mommy, my friend, says her son (Eight yrs) explained that bike means girl and boy having fun. He looks triumphant and mommy’s dreams bursting in that thin air. Certain cartoon series too need to be reviewed as the characters instead of bringing positive change are moulding a more rebellious, satirist, zombies easily and our children are enthralled completely in these. I overheard a girl whispering to her friend I need to go home otherwise my mommy gonna whack me like the one in that cartoon. (Mother is sheer adjective of petulance in this one).
We better name this era the internet savvy or the web-world era, which has its real sticky webs to tangle you the moment you succumb to it. Be careful with children who at a young age have face book accounts and know well to operate these user friendly traps. Make sure to keep a tab on them in a discreet manner as the youngsters find that invading into their privacy.
Earnestly ,I feel a gauntlet is thrown at me, in bringing up my children sober, simple yet smart keeping up the innocence of childhood .My task is big ,is my courage getting shrivelled??? Well I dream of a generation ,cultured not arrogant, intelligent not idiots, magnanimous not immatured,flexible not incorrigible, leaders not cowards .So my attempt is to help them( my sweeties) perceive the good and curb the bad ,after all the pivot is hope and hope for the best.
hey sindhu... you have made me nostalgic...
doordarshan and krishi darshan and the rangoli era....
what an innocent time that was....:-)
very nice..:)
What a lucid writer you are!! :)...concentric circles...haha..loved it! I have witnessed 2 year old men dancing gaga to the tunes of "munni"...:D
Very true,indeed..and beautifully put across...Life is so fast these days,just can feel sad that the kids of this era are missing 'just being simple'...
@maryam ..u connected the innocence thanx..@anil my full fledged grin 4 tht @wicked laughs ...thanx @malini for those encouraging words ...let it keep pourin in.
Sweetheart, u kno the solution to your angst!'Ritu Softwears'-its available locally;infact u got a demo the other day at a party. U were so stumped by its stringent censorship! LOL
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