Monday, 26 September 2011

Rake and rambling!!!

 Am raking and rambling

Seriously ..i need to kick start all again.Its been long time this blogger baby has been setting up a new house,and still the fine tunings are on.So what i should not be neglecting my two month old blog like this .
 And here am back with a whole lot to share with you all.Sam my little smug is bleating as to why every time he has to start from scratch to impress and make new friends(girls???)how do i explain, that's the art of this life.Oli is all ebullient and has full bandwidth to explore the new place.

  Me ....i am all set. A new bunch of beautiful people all around .The only thing is, all this shifting settling has debilitated me a little, which am sure will soon retain back to normal as we gregarious birds can no longer hold back indoors.And yes my calloused hands and feet calling out for a little pampering .Some spa please!!

My husband (the divine intervention in this beautiful life) most of the time managed to hoax and coaxed me to the interior deco part.But this time i granted him that much as i knew he was seriously a bit busy.Everyday he walked into a portion by portion done house and enjoyed the transformation from a cluttered to a neatly done up place.Well i definitely was elated by his kind gestures of approval (he didn't want to take a chance also).

Well the fine nuances can keep happening you keep visiting my blog..give me that little nudge to blog more.See ya!!